Amos Weisz



prophet of a forgotten sense
arsewipe of a vanished bundle of straw
heathen contempt poured on my sidelong princess di
with its fishing eye from a brick pillar
hordes of subhumans programming the day
laminate metal merchants on holiday from the till
brick fathers' revenge on the bible
hands of a destiny feet of clay measure of glass
its lights guttering on the gait of criminal shirts

portico of lemon ersatz
brink madness in the orgone of your slaver sir
may i help you to your overcoat
guilt in the wreckage of sideburn fuzz
dark venison of another era
overcoat of roads
turns of ribbon lacing the cyanide of your inevitable dream
thumbs up big
and cocks the size of radishes under the stairs saying deeper
you're so moral
keener than the eagle's flight over moorland
difference of dark decay
flesh of dreams excised by the postman

signature tune thrills of an august setting
the plastic dustbin for example before the wrecked georgian
or the dandelion in the stump shadow
so that orion effectively
and hereinafter assuming the bent force
spectacularly digesting large quantities of glass ground small in the molars
or houdini in the bell jar
cat just sprung out of my score paper
motorcycle whine
and definitely the superabundant foliage of hydrangea
or some other bitches' brew
fondles the lobes of my complaisant madness

traditions of devastated rock
answer of a decay loss of soul
forever inevitably doctrine of weed absolute
and many other foregathers
spook of crawling bin liner
and they crawl the streets in cia handbags
ethiopia somalia ghana the carribean
slotting the day into their ethne of phonecell
pushing the thousand shoots into the earth of give
with the shabbetai zvi in the knees of god
in that excellent picture by the noted academician
william blake
and therefore sirs i declare this meeting concluded

epsom down of salts of dreams
execrable firelight to a taunted conscience
light of fire of eyes perspectivally illuminated
and in the indigence of their pockets
sluts for money whores for none beggars all
disturbance of ethic semiology snarl of contempt
and frequent moccassins in the osiris of your neptune
flagellants of days greedy for hunger
ancients of norm curls of laughter
fetish salutes in the barber's wigshops
and brown beige pink off colour
thirst for satires in chocolate sections
billboards overhead strata of graffiti
rush of monoxide britain at work tin heaving
and for good measure an oil specimen in your stalker's eye
heavens of alterity at a reasonable price
forever the rope to life in the waitress' smile

shadows from another torment
deaf to days the lies the sights all but sound
bedridden in the anguish of your absolute
hell on earth this kicking of cobbles
this chewing of pleasure apple fancying horse riding chugs in a vehicle
anguish in suburbia or the madness hotel (only one is known)
and all the other fucking kwetches of an awful void
void of anger void of rage
but rage for the rage
adolescent wooing his own ghost turning
you can keep your handbags and singer sewing machines
you can keep your hate bottled up in the white glass of your eyes
but as to the lads with trinkets in their parietals
bullets in the penis a bulldog chained to their pocket
i'll just throw the di sidelong and count the can in the gutter

for in the order of this excellent age
the comb of your paradox your napkin sir
sin of your eating sheet metal of your damaged desire
exfoliating bedrock over the back yard
stacked to the gills in tyres and burnt wood
the german way somehow feast of darkness
in this quilt of branches without a root
and passing logistics worries
so that the view from the kitchen window
is rightly prized by real estate brokers
sam solicitors eyes of st george cross
jostling with the african ministry of sound
so that the gamma masculines keep a whip in the tendon
and the inevitable baby boom passes under the hands of the pope
negroes of salutes under mayfly evenings
firearms of display code of cheats
cheese in the afternoon data sandwich

in what quality or form
matter uneased by gain to palate or power
dead sack of waste metal
cheese slices on the portico in the bath a squid
so that temporary lodgings will be found as suitable
the umbrella the bowler the rain the fiction the hate
the bus stop the animal within without multiplicity of alien desires
ankle chains opal rings newspapers of every stripe
all colluding in the undermining of the substrate man
the negro the chinaman the vietnamese the indian the jew
in the name of a very articulated law
codenamed law
so that framed deceptions are eased on cctv
and the act of fornication is a badge of citizenship

hermite cries of the absolute
distychs of reason bottled under franchise
paragon virtues of dirty laundry laundered in public
ash cries of a schizophrenic in the boob tube of your next filth want to get
stoned smashed senseless plastered to the wall of your nightmare
cackling on hold the radio static the perv witterung
drumsticks exploding in the air of your craniotomy
reason forgive reason unriddle me now