
Good Friday rattling
northwards & as for
what the novels tend to
call 'my life' I'm breathing
in & out about half way
between the last two
places we decided not to
visit with the improvised
big band music of the Canterbury
Free Range ensemble wringing
out my ears after the workshop
& the reading with
the handles of utensils
& the hanging unmanned kayak
just note how a 'cello
edges out into the clearing
& samples what is
left of this duff air to be
grated on a plate of
other things that fell
out of our tree the joint
is jumping & so is the building
as the wind backs
up towards the west
the moss still keeps its
distances a smattering of brass
is all we really need we
feel it tending in & up
the nasal apertures &
cavities where the practice
of remaining here this
early in the week
remaining in the sense
of trying to remodel
the location or
locatedness of cobwebs
gently trampolining
current thoughtlessness
as well as Harry
the Dog's explicit thirst
& absence of opposable
thumbs or noses though
his calm & shall we say
impeccable taste in spillages
& braces helps to lift us all

Canterbury 30 March 2018